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年度 No. Authors'  name Article title Journal title 資料
R5 29

Tomioka K,
Uno K,
Yamada M.

Association between vaccination status and severe health consequences among community-dwelling COVID-19 patients during Omicron BA.1/BA.2 and BA.5- predominant periods in Japan(外部サイトへリンク) Environ Health
Prev Med. 

Health Letter Vol.17(JPG:198KB)


Tomioka K,
Shima M,
Saeki K.

An ecological association of number of civil servants and physicians with prefectural-level rapid COVID-19 vaccination of older people in Japan(外部サイトへリンク)

Environ Health
Prev Med.



Tomioka K,
Shima M,
Saeki K.
Association between vaccination status and COVID-19-related health outcomes among community-dwelling COVID-19 patients in Nara, Japan(外部サイトへリンク)

Environ Health
Prev Med.

Health Letter Vol.16(JPG:946KB)
26 Tomioka K,
Shima M,
Saeki K.
Number of public health nurses and COVID-19 incidence rate by variant type: an ecological study of 47 prefectures in Japan. (外部サイトへリンク)


Environ Health
Prev Med.


R3 25 Tomioka K,
Shima M,
Saeki K.
Age differences in the association of physical leisure activities with incident disability among community-dwelling older adults(外部サイトへリンク)

Environ Health

Prev Med.


Health Letter Vol.15(JPG:1,040KB)
24 Tomioka K,
Shima M,
Saeki K.
Occupational status and self-reported low back pain by gender: a nation-wide cross-sectional study among the general population in Japan. (外部サイトへリンク)

Environ Health

Prev Med.



Tomioka K,
Kitahara T,
Shima M,
Saeki K. 

Fraction and Number of Unemployed Associated with Self-Reported Low Back Pain: A Nation-Wide Cross-Sectional Study in Japan. (外部サイトへリンク)

Int. J. Environ.

Res. Public Health


Health Letter Vol.14(JPG:1,124KB)
R2 22 Tomioka K,
Shima M,
Saeki K.
Association between heaviness of cigarette smoking and serious psychological distress is stronger in women than in men: A nationally representative cross-sectional survey in Japan(外部サイトへリンク) Harm Reduct J. 2021;18(1):27.  Health Letter Vol.12(JPG:918KB) Vol.13(JPG:817KB)
21 Tomioka K,
Shima M,
Saeki K.
Mental component of health-related quality of life is an independent predictor of incident functional disability among community-dwelling older people: a prospective cohort study(外部サイトへリンク)

Qual Life Res.



20 Tomioka K,
Kurumatani N,
Saeki K.
Longitudinal association between lifetime workforce participation and risk of self-reported cognitive decline in community-dwelling older adults. (外部サイトへリンク)

PLoS One.



Health Letter Vol.9(JPG:801KB)



19 Tomioka K,
Kurumatani N,
Saeki K.
Regular dental visits may prevent severe functional disability: A community-based prospective study.(外部サイトへリンク)

Arch Gerontol

Geriatr. 2020;88:


Health Letter Vol.11(JPG:870KB)


18 Tomioka K,
Kurumatani N,
Saeki K.
Association between housing tenure and self-rated health in Japan: Findings from a nationwide cross-sectional survey.(外部サイトへリンク)

PLoS One.



17 Tomioka K,
Kurumatani N,
Saeki K.
The Association Between Education and Smoking Prevalence, Independent of Occupation: A Nationally Representative Survey in Japan(外部サイトへリンク)

J Epidemiol.



16 Tomioka K,
Kurumatani N,
Saeki K.
Cross-Sectional Association Between Types of Leisure Activities and Self-Rated Health According to Gender and Work Status Among Older Japanese Adults(外部サイトへリンク)

J Epidemiol.



15 Tomioka K,
Kurumatani N,
Saeki K.
Older Adult Males Who Worked at Small-sized Workplaces Have an Increased Risk of Decline in Instrumental Activities of Daily Living: A Community-based Prospective Study(外部サイトへリンク)

J Epidemiol.



Health Letter Vol.7(JPG:1,002KB)
H30 14 Tomioka K,
Kurumatani N,
Saeki K.
The differential effects of type and frequency of social participation on IADL declines of older people(外部サイトへリンク)

PLoS One.



Health Letter Vol.8(JPG:1,017KB)
13 Tomioka K,
Kurumatani N,
Hosoi H.
Association between stairs in the home and instrumental activities of daily living among community-dwelling older adults(外部サイトへリンク)

BMC Geriatrics



12 Tomioka K,
Kurumatani N,
Hosoi H.
Social participation and cognitive decline among community-dwelling older adults: A community-based longitudinal study.(外部サイトへリンク)

J Gerontol B

Psychol Sci

Soc Sci



Health Letter Vol.6(JPG:999KB)
H29 11 Tomioka K,
Kurumatani N,
Hosoi H.
The beneficial effects of working later in life on the health of community-dwelling older adults(外部サイトへリンク)

Geriatr Gerontol

Int. 2018;18(2):


10 Tomioka K,
Kurumatani N,
Hosoi H.
Association between the frequency and autonomy of social participation and self-rated health.(外部サイトへリンク)

Geriatr Gerontol



Health Letter Vol.6(JPG:999KB)
9 Tomioka K,
Kurumatani N,
Hosoi H.
Cross-sectional association between medical expenses and intellectual activity in community-dwelling older adults(外部サイトへリンク) Environ Health Prev Med. 2017;22(1):65.  Health Letter Vol.4(JPG:1,034KB)
8 Tomioka K,
Kurumatani N,
Hosoi H.
Positive and negative influences of social participation on physical and mental health among community-dwelling elderly aged 65-70 years: a cross-sectional study in Japan.(外部サイトへリンク) BMC Geriatrics. 2017;17(1):111.   
7 Tomioka K,
Kurumatani N,
Hosoi H.
Age and gender differences in the association between social participation and instrumental activities of daily living among community-dwelling elderly.(外部サイトへリンク) BMC Geriatrics. 2017;17(1):99. 

Health Letter Vol.5(JPG:1,010KB)

H28 6 Tomioka K,
Kurumatani N,
Hosoi H.
Self-rated health predicts decline in instrumental activities of daily living among high-functioning community-dwelling older people.(外部サイトへリンク) Age Ageing. 2017;46(2):265-270.    
5 Tomioka K,
Kurumatani N,
Hosoi H.
Association between social participation and 3-year change in instrumental activities of daily living in community-dwelling elderly adults.(外部サイトへリンク) J Am Geriatr Soc. 2017;65(1):107-113.  公衆衛生学会(PDF:186KB)
H27 4 Tomioka K,
Kurumatani N,
Hosoi H.
The association between social participation and instrumental activities of daily living among community-dwelling older adults.(外部サイトへリンク) J Epidemiol. 2016;26(10):553-561.  Health Letter Vol.2(JPG:1,013KB)
3 Tomioka K,
Kurumatani N,
Hosoi H.
Relationship of having hobbies and a purpose in life with mortality, activities of daily living, and instrumental activities of daily living among community-dwelling elderly adults.(外部サイトへリンク) J Epidemiol. 2016;26(7):361-370.   奈良公衆衛生学会(PDF:292KB)
2 Tomioka K,
Kurumatani N,
Hosoi H.
Social participation and the prevention of decline in effectance among community-dwelling elderly: a population-based cohort study.(外部サイトへリンク) PLoS One. 2015;10(9):e0139065.   
1 Tomioka K,
Okamoto N,
Kurumatani N,
Hosoi H. 
Association of psychosocial conditions, oral health, and dietary variety with intellectual activity in older community-dwelling Japanese adults.(外部サイトへリンク) PLoS One. 2015;10(9):e0137656. Health Letter Vol.1(JPG:920KB)


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公立大学法人奈良県立医科大学 県民健康増進支援センター  


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