搜狐体育直播app下载 > 関連施設?センター > 国際交流センター > Guest House 【ゲストハウス】
The guest house is a 15-minute walk from our university.
Rent is including electricity and water.Residents who start or leave on the middle of month,daily rate will be applied.
※As an additional expense,residents must pay for bedding lease.
※Rate would be changed without any notice in advance.
※For more details, please contact International Center.
Room#101:¥70,400yen/month,¥2,350yen/day(with bathtub)
Room#102:¥64,900yen/month,¥2,170yen/day(with only shower)
Room#103:¥64,900yen/month,¥2,170yen/day(with only shower)
Room#201:¥64,900yen/month,¥2,170yen/day(with only shower)
Rooms in our guest house are fully furnished.
●Free Wifi ●Electric stove ●Microwave ●Refrigerator ●Air conditioning ●Laundry machine&drier ●TV ●Vacuum ●Pot●Rice cooker ●Cutlery●Dining table&chairs ●Bed ●Closet ●Mail box
※Please bring PC, Bath amenities, etc. if you need them.
There is no housekeeper in our guest house.Please make the room clean by yourself during staying and follow the garbage rule in Kashihara city.More details would be announced after you arrive.
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公立大学法人奈良県立医科大学 国際交流センター
電話番号:0744-22-3051 ※番号非通知はつながりません。