搜狐体育直播app下载 > 関連施設?センター > 国際交流センター > INTERNATIONAL CENTER【国際交流センター】
~ Greeting, Welcome to our University ~
Dr.Shima, the Diretctor of International Center
International center was established in 2009, to promote international exchange and to develop partnership with universities and institutions overseas, and is currently supporting to accept or dispatch researchers and students.
The campus is located at Nara, where is the most famous ancient city in Japan and can be felt its history, and is placed easily accessible to other cities as Kyoto or Osaka.
Our facilities and staff supports will provide you great circumstance for your research or study and will help to make your life here comfortable.
Learning abroad might be a big decision to make for you; however, please try to take one step forward to your future.
We are looking forward to seeing you here, at Nara Medical University.
公立大学法人奈良県立医科大学 国際交流センター
電話番号:0744-22-3051 ※番号非通知はつながりません。
International Center
Nara Medical University
E-mail: kokusai@naramed-u.ac.jp